I recently (today) finished all of the coursework and the exam and finally, and officially, a certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach. I have taken plenty of continuing education courses and specialty certifications, but never one that was this extensive or this involved.
To be honest, I was a little lost when I was first postpartum. I had just gotten cleared to resume normal activities at my 6 Week Postpartum Check-up, and I was little put off that I didn’t get any kind of rehab information or guides to ease back into high intensity sport and exercise. Like how do you go from 6 weeks of little to no activity, except maybe some light walking and caring for you baby to regular/intense physical activity?
I started to wonder when it would be safe and when I would be ready to start incorporating major compound lifts, olympic lifts, running, jumping, and gymnastics. I couldn’t really find any set information on this anywhere and I didn’t want to just wing it and “listen to my body.” After a lot of googling, I could not be more thankful that I stumbled across Brianna Battles & Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism.
I wanted to become the resource that I needed, and to become a resource for others who like me are trying to navigate the world of postpartum fitness with the goal of returning to regular and intense exercise/sport. If you, like me, are lost in navigating the world of pregnancy and postpartum fitness – reach out to me and see how I can help you!
I’m excited to start sharing my journey through postpartum fitness with all of you. Be on the lookout for several new posts coming soon!
If you have any questions about how I can help or have questions in general reach out – let’s have a conversation!